The Texas Israeli War
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The Texas Israeli War
Jake Saunders
Political kidnapping > Political kidnapping / United States / Fiction.
Israel > Israel / Fiction.
Texas > Texas / Fiction.
On August 12, 1992, England's tiny nuclear arsenal fell on Ireland, on South Africa, and finally on China. Instantly, the planet went up in flames. In the first half year of what was to be the War of '92, half the Earth's population perished. The United States was reduced to a vast under peopled land-and, to make matters worse, Texas had seceded and taken her precious oil reserves. But Israel, virtually untouched in a world ravaged by war, was painfully overpopulated. So Sol Iglestein and Myra Kalen had come to America looking for a place to settle. As mercenaries on the side of the Union in its war with Texas, the Israelis had been promised land in exchange for their services. Leading their begraggled troops into the heartland of Texas, Sol and Myra head up Operation King. Mission: Rescue the President of the United States!
Ballantine Books
SciFi Corpus
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