Birney Post
Site History
General David Bell Birney (1825-1864) was a Union General in the Civil War. Born in Huntsville, Alabama to an abolitionist father. Birney went to law school in Massachusetts and became a lawyer in Philadelphia, studying military information until he became a volunteer officer. He slowly rose in rank and became a Major General, fighting at the Battle of Gettysburg. He continued his military career until he fell ill with Typhoid Fever.
In recognition of his accomplishments, General Birney Post #63 was built in 1888. Reverend Russell H. Conwell led the memorial service. In 1908, this small park was named after General Birney. While rumors suggest that General Birney was buried here, he was laid to rest at the Woodlands Cemetery.
What ideas do you have on how to improve the park and remember General Birney?
Historia del sitio
El general David Bell Birney (1825-1864) fue un general durante la guerra civil americano del lado de la unión. Nació en Huntsville, Alabama con padres abolicionistas. Birney estudió ley en Massachusetts y volvió a trabajar como abogado aquí en Filadelfia, continuó sus estudios, enfocándose en información militar y él comenzó a trabajar como voluntario en el ejército. Lentamente, él elevó su estatus en el ejército hasta que recibió el título de General, luchando en la batalla de Gettysburg. Continuó su carrera en el ejército hasta que volvió enfermo con tifoidea.